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Showing posts from October, 2018


F urniture rentals as a market is that magic potion that can help our generation flourish in this economy. We have always been taught or a more apt term would be are brainwashed since childhood that there comes a certain pride in owning things in our life, whether it’s a house, car, or other prized possessions but no one ever really told us the drawbacks about this mindset. It’s true that there is a certain value when a person buys a particular thing whether it’s their first car or their first house, and we are definitely not telling the generation to not enjoy the feeling of owning first, but as we grow we have to realize certain things that our money should be invested in more valuable possessions and not just on things to brag about. There’s this study that tells about the amount of stuff that you can fit in two backpacks which you can carry on a mountain is all that you need in your life to live peacefully, but when it comes to practicality...we aren’t going...